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ICQ #: 121787128


Friday, June 21, 2002


Fun with Proper Grammar.

Right now I feel very thin-blooded. I don't know why, most likely an accumulation of:

1) a lack of sleep
2) unnecessary stress (it's summer, for Christ's sake)
3) bizarre and unhealthy eating habits (I don't think ice cream, fried tofu and cheese crackers make a nutritionally sound menu), and
4) peculiar mood swings and various episodes of surreality (I'd blame it on hormones, but hey; we all know that's SUCH a cop out.)

So you can understand, perhaps, my malaise. I feel bored but at the same time frantic, as though I have all this time and I'm just wasting it.

And my joints ache. I'm an 80-year-old trapped in a 17-year-old.

As you can tell, my humor has kicked the proverbial bucket.

Anemone Ra 11:15 PM

Wednesday, June 19, 2002

hello! park greene...uh, fort slope.

so. graduation has come and gone. although the fucker who slashed my tires was present and i didn't get to walk with liss, the grad party was kicking. and now i'm out of high school forever which is just damned different. summer i'll stop writing in all lowercase. i need more pictures for the damn site. so far, it's a very thorough exericise in narcissism.

think happy thoughts!

Anemone Ra 3:54 PM