left over night

it had been hot for weeks
sticky humid heat
like the clouds were breathing angrily
then dry, papery heat
as though the sun shone
through a magnifying glass
and all the gravel driveways were on fire

we burned,
swimsuits creating a patchwork of skin
and took to swimming in the Puget Sound at sunset
the breathtaking cold startling, taking
our skinny legs and young backs
by surprise
like heat off the desert sand
when we, gingerly at first, tested the water
with our feet and toes
then grew bold, and leapt off of things
making sea birds beat a flushed retreat

I’d hover amidst the mercury water
of tranquil blues and blood oranges
in the panoramic throat of sky
and watch
as the brilliant sun drowned silently
surrounded by stains of alto strattus
my own limbs mere waves

pale spectrum blurred
in between the feathery silhouettes
of fir trees on the horizon
floating next to innocents like driftwood
fluid sunsets dripping
off my lips and nose
into the strata of ocean-stranded stars
quivering slightly
beneath the surface

we’d swim out far, urgently
towards the opposite horizon
past the buoys
past the boats
past the bottom-anchored kelp
until oblivious jellyfish got too close
then we’d follow the waves back to shore

then I’d sit on the sandbar
where the water was shallow
and bend with the incoming current
when the seaweed wrapped around
my ankles and hands

I felt God breathing
displayed calmly around this immaculate
peripheral vision

this was too much
for our blood to hold in

someone had always managed
to cut themselves
on a barnacle
or piece of broken shell
and left red tracks across the rocks
on the way back to the car