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Inner Musings

ICQ #: 121787128


Friday, July 20, 2001

All last summer, in case you don't recall, I was yours and you were mine, forget it all...

My god, it's been a long time since I updated this. To the select few that actually care as to my whereabouts, I've been running around the fucking countryside like crazy...helping out with the Summer Arts Academy at the middle school, being trained for my impending employment at Starbucks, hanging out with Eli...not much time for anything, really. And in about five minutes, I have to leave for a crazy-stupid volleyball camp that I had the stupidity to sign up for. Can't think of a bigger waste of a couple hundred dollars; the woman coaching my group is a heinous bitch. Live and learn, right? Glean the best out of everything.

Well, I must be off to torture myself for the next three hours. I'll try and update more.

Months rolled by, and the love we had grew dim...did you love me only in my head?

Anemone Ra 12:11 PM