untitled 1.2

ours is a world of asphalt
& magnetic letters
& steely gray fluorescence
liquor-stained vampire nights
trembling in a flush of neon

ours is a world
lacking depth perception
furred with the painful frost
of morning in high heels & a skirt
shivering in front of the hotel

after a long drive
you led me into
the waiting room of your life
the basement of a house
where you sleep occasionally
but aren't allowed to live

it was still dark
when we turned the light on
& we slept on a paternal bed
that lay low to the ground

the cool sweep
of your naked back
& the crumple of clothes
on an expressionless floor
collected dust
and blurry gray light

as water ran
into my mouth & ears
we stared at each other
& I decided:
love is selfish
it consumes what's inside
leaving anorexic spaces
in between
each illuminated rib

a world edged
in between
sundown & dawn