An overview of how the chat works:

Chaticon:  Lets Y/you display a chaticon/avatar from Y/your personal selectionlist.
This list can contain both personalised Icons and public ones (see further down).

max messages
to show:
   How many messages would Y/you like the page to display?

   How often would Y/you like the page to refresh during 'Autolisten'? (see further down)

Message Action:
 This list lets Y/you chose a special action that Y/you want to perform.
If Y/you want someO/one to be the subject of the Action,
Y/you need to select W/whom on this list (Send To) W/whom?

Lock (Send To) W/whom? This Checkbox when checked, stays checked
and A/all chosen in the list (Send To) W/whom?, above remains selected.

With the Chickaloos in room box (underneath the textbox), Y/you will by clicking a name there open a page containing the C/chickaloos Profile.


An overview of the commands available for C/chickaloos:

/msg nickname message - send private message to nickname.

/help - this helptext.

/info - info about this chat.

/userinfo nick - userinfo about (offline) C/chickaloo.

/memo nick message - leave message for offline user. (G/godiva[enhanced] level needed)

/away message - set or unset away status and post message. (P/princess[standard] level needed)

/seen nick - when was C/chickaloo nick last in the chatroom? (G/godiva[enhanced] level needed)

/ignore nick - Ignores Private messages from C/chickaloo. (P/princess[standard] level needed)

/ignore checkbox Ignore O/others by clicking the box at the bottom of T/their post. (P/princess[standard] level needed)

/list_admins - shows a list of Moderators and Sysops.

How to use Commands:

Y/you use commands by typing a slash the very first thing in the Message box

then the command name and then either a nickname or/and a message (in boldtext in the above paragraph), depending on what type of message it is.

/memo Chelle please check out my page.

/memo - is the command.
Chelle - the nick (no linebreak b4 the message/nickname.)
please check out my page - the message


The Chat function Buttons:

By clicking the button You will find a page with Smilies   for all possible actions.

With Y/you can change some features like typing color, add/change Nicknames, change password...

With Y/you can enter info about Y/yourself that Y/you feel Y/you can let O/others know of.

The lets Y/you add public Icons to Y/your Icon selectlist or upload Y/your own personal Icon/avatar. W/we can even make Y/you the icon Y/you want on, if Y/you don't have the means to make them Y/yourself.

To exit/leave the chat click button.

To set the chat to refresh itself automatically click button.
Y/you set the the refreshrate in seconds with the update frequency box (see almost ontop of page).

This is how Y/you change Y/your profile:

Most is selfexplanatory ...
With Homepage URL Y/you enter Y/your homepage adress.
With Picture URL Y/you enter the URL to a picture of Y/you if Y/you so like, or any kind of "fun" picture you want there!

With ICQ uin Y/your ICQ number will be shown if Y/you want other C/chickaloos to know it.

And finally everything else Y/you want to share with U/us..*S*...

This is how Y/you change Y/your Options:

Most is selfexplanatory here too...*S*
With Max msgs to show Y/you can change how many message will be shown at max on the page.
With Update frequencuy Y/you can change how often the page will update when in auto refresh mode.

With Choose Font color Y/your can choose what color Y/you want Y/your posts to have.

With Nicknames Y/your Choose a nickname to use in the chat, just click the radiobutton(the white circle) and type in the text box below what you want the 'text' in the row next to the radiobutton change to.
then click button 'Change Nickname'.

With Change password Y/you changes Y/your password.

Close this window to return to chat
or minimize it.