On the first page there are two buttons, select the leftone.
In the upperleft you find a list with the messages
you already have, there should be 2 of them and
then a long list of (-NO entry yet-) ones,
you choose the one you want to view by selecting it in the list then clicking the button view->
That is the basic way it works now you will make your first message.
Click to view Chatcord (help1).
The selected message is then displayed in the big text box below in the center
of your screen, the title of the message is in
the small box above the big.
Now you can edit the message.
Edit the message in the big textbox. When you have edited
your message, you can also change the title of
the message.
When done you click the button 'change to the above'
and your edited message is in the list to the upper left.
but don't click the button.
Select a (-NO entry yet-) on
in the list above instead. and click view
(-NO entry yet-) will be displayed in the small
text box aswell.
You now write a completly new message in the big textbox.
When you have written your message, change the (-NO
entry yet-)
in the small textbox to a title that correponds with the content of your newly
made message.
When done you click the button 'change
to the above'
and you have a new message in the list to the upper left.