The Inner Circle: Fone Ranger's incoming directory

Read: a bunch of random stuff Fone Ranger found on some floppy disks

Not for disclosure/distribution to the general public



2280_x25.txt Kewl X.25 tewlz from 2280 mag Electronics assessment criteria; looks the so-called phreaks who wrote 'b0x' files wouldn't have passed Electronics class
asteriskscripts.tar Asterisk scripts written by Atomical (awwww!)
bailiff_ctax1.jpg FR didn't pay his council tax
bailiff_ctax2.jpg Ditto
Fixer's commentry on boxes, etc. Nice 10k:600R circuit
bt.jpg Court summons threat for FR's unpaid phone bill
btnetwork.mht Clive Feather's guide to the BT network
clip.txt Brief UK physical CLIP/Caller ID spec For mech engineers: CNC routines for NoteTab
dnic-1508-en.pdf Official ITU list of DNICs
dsts2-1.jpg Closeup of a Chesilvale/Tempo DSTS 2 circuit board taken to bits by FR
elation.htm Extracts on coke and smack from an old Encyclopedia
fu.txt One finger salute; say it with ASCII! As used by FR on IRC
gsm.nws Only clued-up response to usenet discussion on GSM interception (A5 decrpytion attack)
hacktik18.htm HackTic article on using phones as bugs (see box FAQ for update)
happy.jpg I swear it's not me, but the circumstances spookily resemble those of a happy FR Unfinished work on international dialling codes (used to be in back of BT phone book,)
kp A whole directory dedicated to Keltic Phr0st!
netmonitor.pdf Nokia NetMonitor guide Nowhere Man's utilities: crypt, wipe, etc.
nynex_seal.jpg A souvinir from the Nynex days. He he.
PCP_Quality.jpg Found in a PCP... *yoink*!
pnc.txt Interesting article from ages ago on the PNC with some additions collected by FR
poster62.jpg Provo babe - tiochfaidh �r l�... Mmmmm...!
social.jpg Buy a shotgun, help the Social!