The (in)complete works of Keltic Phr0st

As Aztech

002.txt The third party phone call
005.txt Guide to beige boxing
006.txt The Great British Payphone
008.txt Error and repair codes for linesmen
009.txt The Decoy Dialler
014.txt Field Engineer Profile
017.txt Line tests and anomalies
018.txt Connection and termination points
019.txt British Exchange Hacking
026.txt Another Phone Card Theory
027.txt Data File for Noise Generator
031.txt Terminating Circuit Records for UXD5B
032.txt The Status Box
035.txt DTMF Phonetics
040.txt The Design and Implementation of the BOXER Network
050.txt What is System X Anyway?
056.txt Omnicom FS1515 Telephone Exchange Details
057.txt An Introduction to B-ISDN
064.txt Cableless Local Area Networks
072.txt Yet more boring 'proprietry' BT Maintennance Documents
076.txt The Interception of Communications Act 1985
080.txt French PBX Toll Fraud
082.txt How to use SMDR Records to detect PBX Fraud

As Keltic Phr0st

4teltec.txt 4TEL in TXK1 Local Exchanges
ax10arc.txt AXE 10: Architecture
axe10.txt Erriccson AXE10 Digital Switch Info
axe10sss.txt The AXE 10 Subscriber Switching Subsystem
axediag.txt Block Diagram to accompany The LOD AXE10 file
ddsn.txt DDSN Intelligent Network
digispec.txt Digital Switches from around the World
fieldphr.txt Combat in the field - Field Phreaking
globmail.txt Mail messages from Unauthorised Acess BBS
hey.txt Welcome to The Inner Circle (a brief reflection on UABBS)
patent.txt Pointers in the Direction of Better HP Information
rant.txt A rant at the UK's BBS scene
switch.txt Some questions on UK exchanges answered
telcobe.txt Breaking and Entering - The Telco Way
uk-591.txt Scan of 0800-591-XXX
uxd5b600.txt Unit eXchange Digital 5B
x25-preamble.txt Libnet-X.25 #1: The Preamble
xchange.txt The Arcane art of Finding UXD5b Switches

Files about Keltic Phr0st

cphr.txt Control Phreaks - a Times interview with KP
kp_news.htm A collection of his newsgroup posts

Created on ... November 03, 2004