NLP OPERATING PRINCIPLES The world of Neuro Linguistic Programming consists of a set of skills and a set of operating principles. The operating principles, whilst not being the truth, do provide a potent context for acting effectively and creating results. Here are some of them: We make maps from our sensory experiences. We then operate in the world from our maps. However, the map is not the territory. You cannot not communicate, your only choices are to do so unconsciously, or to be conscious of the effects you create. The meaning of your communication is the response you get, which may be different to the one you intend. The intention of every communication is positive, to believe otherwise is to create it so. There is no such thing as a resistant person; their resistance is just useful feedback about your behaviour. Whatever you resist persists. There is no failure, only feedback. Failure is only a disparity between your map and your results. Failure is an unprecedented opportunity to learn something you wouldn't otherwise notice. Confusion is the doorway to reorganising your perceptions and learning something new. Being willing not to know is the key to discovery and creation. Each of us already has, or can create the resources we need to do whatever we want. It is easier to change oneself than others. If you have no choice, you're dead. If you have one choice, you're stuck. If you have two choices, you're in a dilemma. If you have three choices, you're up to choice. Choose to have five. The part of any system which has most variety controls the situation - Ashby's Law of Requisite Variety. You are not your behaviour. Behaviour is the highest quality information. If you always do what you've always done. you'll always get what you've always got. If what you're doing isn't working, do anything else at all! Every problem was once a solution to another problem. When you realise that the world we live in is entirely made up, then you're free to create the world you want. Remember, the world is our gift and our playground; everything in it is connected to everything else; it's all ours to share - enjoy it! N.B. None of this is true; it does, however have consequences... ------------------------------------------------------------------ For more info on NLP contact: Sensory Systems, 28 Bellwood St, Glasgow, G41 3ES Tel# 041-632-3179 Fax# 041-636-6472. Trainings in London & elsewhere, very good discounts for the unemployed. Sensory Systems do not teach a set of techniques, but a way to develop your own model of creating technique.