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Hatfield Court


Near Leominster



Phone: 056882 (Steens Bridge) 333

Dear Brian

This is a fair copy of the scrawl I wrote you. As you're not starting work for a few days I thought I'd send you a copy which is somewhat easier to read.

I was delighted with it and feel it's coming along fine.

The basic rhythm and flow seems very good and it contains more excellences than I would wish to list here. The structure you have devised carries it along very well, I think.

At the level of detail I do have quite a few comments, of which I enclose some herewith. They should all be read with question marks because I don't want to be categorical but wonder whether you agree and once or twice I haven't thought up solutions to what I suggest.

I do like the combination of passion, humour, social comment, and the bizarre that are all present in the script.

I look very much forward to your comments. I might have been clearer to anotate a copy of your script, I realise. Anyway, we can discuss the next step when you've had time to glance at this lot.

Best regards and in great enthusiasm.


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Almost all of the content of these webpages is copyright of the estate of
Jeremy Sandford, RIP.
They are provided here for your private research, and as a tribute to Jeremy.
However the index and sorting and coding are copyright of me,
George @ dicegeorge.com(c)2006

www.JeremySandford.org.uk (c) 2006
[Jeremy Sandford FanClub]