zincberg on the net

Fatass gym
Dear Zinco Why is it evertime I go into the gym, there is always one fatass who confuses his fat with muscle?

fitness freak

Dear fitness freak,
I think the easiest answer to this originates from the following slang.... to crack a FAT sl. To get an erection. With another term for the male member being "muscle"...it is easy to see why someone could get "muscle" and "fat" confused. There is a simple way to fix your problem regarding fatasses. Whenever you visit the gym, carry with you a potato. As the fatass warms up and starts showing you what he claims is muscle...set him on fire and throw the potato at him. As we all know..potatoes and hot fat...make fries. When he see's the lovelly cooked fries at his feet, he will realise his error and bother you no more.
thank you for your time

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