new friends
if alot of my friends are suicidal does it automaticly make me suicidal and should i get new friends?
yours confusedly,
dearest tiffany,
Friends are so important but, although they may influence our personalities...they do not necessarily control our lives. So, just because your friends are suicidal, it certainly does not mean that you are automatically the same way. The term "suicidal" is something that seems to be thrown around very easily in this day and age which is disappointing...I think what you will find is that alot of your friends pretend to be suicidal so that they can gain attention. As a good friend, you need to decide whether you can be one of the people to support these people...and give them the attention they seek...or whether you are going to go and play tiddlywinks on the floor of your local mcdonalds. You may choose that you wish to have a more happy, carefree way of life...which may involve getting new friends...but that doesnt mean that you have to get rid of your old ones....perhaps you can find some "happy" people who will be your friends, that you can turn to when you get depressed about your other, more depressed friends depression. (boy...that sentance was full of depression huh?). I find a good way to go with friends generally, is to work your way through the alphabet. Try starting a collection of friends "A thru Z"....this exercise can be alot of fun because finding friends whose name starts with "x' can be a bit tricky. Also "z" can be tricky...I would offer my services but I am not allowed to because the stupid law enforcement people decided that making 635 phone calls to a person within a 2 hour period, is some form of harrassment. Bah! lucky they didnt find my collection of toenail clippings that look like Nicole kidman's left nostril. Anyway....i am drifting from the point...wait....what was my point again? oh...thats, you shouldnt boil frogs in the microwave...THEY EXPLODE!
thank you for your time
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