Dr Hemp

Ask Dr Hemp 

Past archives August/ September 2002.

Scroll down the page to read past questions sent to our pot expert, Dr Hemp.

Remember if you have a hemp or drugs related question - you can e-mail Dr Hemp at [email protected].

Also, for love and sex advice you can ask the Caned In Totnes sex agony aunt - Dr Hump.

Dear Dr Hemp,

I heard David Blunkett, the Home Secretary, was going to effectively legalise cannabis in the UK and then I heard he hadn't really, yet it might be ok to smoke a spliff next year, unless I move to London where it will be ok to do so now, but it won't really, especially if you're caught selling the stuff?

Please could you clarify David Blunkett's new Government policy on cannabis, as I'm a bit confused?



Dear Ray,

I'm not quite sure what to make of the Government's new policy on cannabis; I heard David Blunkett's speech to parliament on the radio and I came to the conclusion the man is a fool who simply hasn't got a clue.

What Blunkett seemed to be saying was cannabis is still bad in his opinion, but not quite as bad as they might have previously indicated, yet he then went on to say it would still be illegal and the police could still arrest and send you to prison for possession if they wanted to.

To confuse matters even more, he then went on to say he was going to increase the penalties for dealing in cannabis, so I would like to ask him where he thinks cannabis comes from? Do these people who are now sort of allowed to possess cannabis have to magic it up from thin air? I don't think so, they have to go to dealers who in my book offer a very useful service to the community and I hold in far greater respect than I do for a man who only last week announced his plans to abolish basic human rights that have been enshrined in British law for over 800 years. I'm of course talking about Blunkett's decision to abolish the double jeopardy rule and the automatic right to trial by jury, which will of course lead to even more innocent people being sent to British prisons.

Furthermore, this lunatic is planning to spend millions of pounds on a National Identity Card scheme in Britain that anybody with an ounce of self-respect will refuse to own. When will our corrupt politicians learn the people of this country are more than a bit of plastic whose duty it is to blindly follow everything the Government says and pay tax for them to spend on silly domes or bombing mud huts in Afghanistan or Iraq?

Before they let this twit into Parliament he used to be in charge of Sheffield City Council, which he nearly bankrupt while he was their leader. It's hardly surprising he's proved to be such a disaster in his new job; the scary thing is he says he wants to become Prime Minister; well looking at his past record, I think I'll emigrate to Switzerland or Portugal if he does and then I'll be legally allowed to take whatever recreational drugs of my choice without interference from authoritarian New Labour wankers like David Blunkett.


Dr Hemp.

Dear Dr Hemp,

I have a drug test in a few days time, what should I do? I haven't smoked weed since the Mike Tyson fight and I think that was last month.

Anyway I only smoke weed occasionally now, but in high school I smoked everyday. Do you think that it might show up in my system? I really want this job and I hope it doesn't show up in my system. If you know anything that can help me, or what method I should use, I would appreciate it.



Dear Billy,

Had you browsed through my previous answers, you'd have found the information you're looking for, as drug testing is the most common subject I receive letters on.

If you're young, slim and fit weed will only show for 28 days at most in your body; probably less, especially if you're not a heavy smoker. This is because THC is fat-soluble.

To be on the safe side; drink some detox herbal teas, (Yogi Bhajan's Ancient Herbal Formula Detox Tea and/ or cranberry juice will do the job) the night before and on the morning of the test and then before the test drink as much water as you can, pee this out, drink another load of water and use this for the test.

Remember to use the middle of your pee, as this is less concentrated. Take a vitamin B12 to keep the yellow colour in your piss to avoid any suspicion you're cheating the test.

If you can't get hold of detox teas or cranberry juice, there are some very good detox drinks on the market guaranteed to ensure you pass that test. Check out the web site of Test Clear for some great products to help you fool that test. Remember, you will still need to drink water, as well as the detox formula.

In addition to detox drinks, Test Clear also have instant powdered urine; which is probably the easiest way to fool a drug test, as they generally don' t watch you piss for privacy reasons. This is a much better option, as you don't have to fool around drinking lots of water, teas, detox formulas, etc.,

Contrary to what the nosy bastards who do these tests say, these methods do work and thousands of recreational drug users fool these tests every week. They only tell you not to try and cheat the test to put you off doing so, as they know these methods actually do work.


Dr Hemp.

Proven Drug Testing Solutions

Dear Dr Hemp,

I am curious as to the length of time that THC can be detected in the bloodstream.

I am required to take a drug test for the field that I am going into and after smoking marijuana habitually for the past four years in college; I need to know so I can delay applying for this job until I am positive that the test will come back negative.

Thank you,


Dear Tim,

THC can be detected in the blood for up to 72 hours; however, it can be detected in you pee from 3 - 90 days; for more information, please refer to past answers on this site.

Interestingly enough, there was a debate on BBC Radio 4 recently proposing cannabis be given the same legal status as alcohol.

Speaking against the motion was this complete tit called Peter Hitchens, who is a Daily Mail journalist and self-appointed guardian of the UK's moral values.

Apart from saying nonsense that cannabis was much more dangerous than alcohol and induced violence in its users, the twat was arguing cannabis should not be legalised, because cannabis users might drive a vehicle.

Someone did point out, although they felt nobody should drive when stoned, driving ability is much more impaired under the influence of alcohol than cannabis, to which Peter Hitchens replied: "Ah, but cannabis stays in your system for up to 30 days, so it should not be legalised".

Although it is true THC can be stored in your fat for as long as 90 days, (so the idiot didn't even get that one right); THC which has passed from your blood into your fat cells will have no effect whatsoever on your state of mind. If it did, people would only need to smoke joints once every few weeks, making all us stoners great savings.

Unfortunately, truth, honesty and facts do not play any bearing when it comes to Peter Hitchens' opinion; I've had the misfortune of reading some of his columns in the Daily Mail and I've often wondered what kind of upbringing this smarmy git had to grow up to be such a dull square prude.

So don't worry, if you have a blood test, simply abstain for a few days before the test and if you ever have a piss test then take the advice in my previous answer.


Dr Hemp.

Dear Dr Hemp,

A few mates and me have just finished our exams and we are all potheads. To celebrate the end of our GCSE's we want to get hold of some LSD. We live in Gloucestershire, but cannot seem to get hold of any no matter how hard we try!

So we were just wondering if it is generally hard to get hold of, or if we are not looking in the right places and if we are not, please could you point us in the right direction.

If not, what other mind-blowing hallucinogens are there?



Dear Fraser,

What a good idea to celebrate the end of your GCSE's with an LSD trip, I remember doing exactly the same when I left school and I bet you never had a school trip as good as an LSD trip.

Sadly LSD is not the easiest drug to get hold of and I was horrified to hear LSD may become even scarcer due to many major laboratories in the USA shutting down following a large bust. This is only one story I've heard and I hope it's not true, as LSD is a very useful chemical and can be most enjoyable.

If you are unable to get hold of any LSD then a good legal alternative is Hawaiian Baby Woodrose seeds, which contain LSA and can give you a trip lasting 16 - 24 hours.

Good luck with your quest and be careful, as LSD or LSA can be fucking powerful; make sure you know what you're doing and always take in pleasant surroundings.


Dr Hemp.

Dear Dr Hemp,Dumb question

I'm 15 and I've been smoking for about four years and now one of my friends and me want to start a business as we have two male cannabis plants. They're each about one foot high and growing well so far, but I was wondering how we could raise the THC levels higher because I heard males are not as strong as female's.

So if you could give me some advice I would really appreciate it thanks.

Many thanks,


Dear Mike,

You'll be pleased to know I braved a visit to Torquay and we're now in plentiful supply of soap-bar, which of course you win for sending such a dumb question.

Like the soap-bar we're sending you, there is little THC in male cannabis plants. If you want to get stoned, you're going to have to get some decent female cuttings or buy some F1 cannabis seeds from Pot Seeds and sex the plant yourself. Remember, you'll need to grow them under lights if you live in the UK, as it's too late to be planting outdoors this year.


Dr Hemp .


Dear Dr Hemp,

My MDMA research website is finally online. I would appreciate if you could either place a link to your site or include my letter. I am seeking around 1,000 participants to complete my questionnaire in attempt to discover the facts about ecstasy and personality without making value judgements. The address is:


Yours sincerely,


Dear Andrea,

Good to hear from you again, I hope many readers of this site visit your web site and fill in your anonymous questionnaire.

Please keep us informed of the results.


Dr Hemp.

Dear Dr Hemp,

I find your site utterly disgusting! You are teaching people how to get high and do drugs and encouraging people to start. Drugs are horrible and I've never tried them before and never will.

I demand that you close your site immediately otherwise I'll contact the authorities.


Julian Haw.

Dear Julian,

Are you serious man? I'm so scared. Well at least your e-mail gave me a good laugh.

Actually, my site is very popular and I have no intention of closing it down, you can tell the authorities if you want, yet I think they already know about it. I'm afraid we still have something called freedom of speech in the UK, so why don't you piss off!


Dr Hemp.
P.S. I think you are right not to take drugs as they can be fun and have enlightening qualities, which I'm sure would be completely alien to you.

Dear Dr Hemp,

Could you tell me the price of a good ounce of skunk in England and roughly how many regular sized spliffs that would get me. I've never bought that much before and I'm just not sure about whether I'm gonna get ripped off or not.

Please don't tell me to grow my own, as I'm 17 and still live with my parents, which means growing is out of the question.



Dear Kabir,

In the UK, a good ounce of skunk should cost anywhere between £100 - £150, depending on how good your contacts are.

I'm sure one ounce of skunk could make you many spliffs, but I haven't got a clue as to the exact amount. Why don't you count how many spliffs you make from your ounce of skunk - that is if you can be bothered; I certainly can't.

Finally, if you're parents won't let you grow your own, why don't you leave home and set up a grow room in your own place?


Dr Hemp.

Dear Dr Hemp,Dumb question

I'm 56yrs and a bit slow. (Retired UK Cop - HONEST!)

Is uncooked hemp sold for fishing an industrial hemp with 3% THC? I know it's low in THC, but I am a tight bastard. Can I grow this stuff and smoke a bloody big joint and get a moderate high?


Geoff .

Dear Geoff ,

Congratulations on being the first member, or former member at least, of the Constabulary to receive a Dumb Question Award.

As you're no longer a serving member of the Police force, you have obviously lost your access to free drugs; therefore your best option is definitely to grow your own.

Yes you are a tight bastard, as I'm sure many of your former colleagues are too; that's probably because you've had many years of smoking drugs you have confiscated from the general public and not put through the books.

Of course you won't get high from smoking industrial hemp you idiot (less than 0.2% THC); go and set yourself up with a grow room and some seeds from www.potseeds.co.uk so you can do the job properly.

If you want expand and grow big time commercial crops of cannabis, I'm sure you'll have plenty of connections to ensure you don't get busted. Lucky you!

An ounce of soap-bar is on it's way to you, which will have the same amount of THC that is in the industrial hemp you were thinking of buying.


Dr Hemp.

Dear Dr Hemp,

I've been visiting your site for a long time and find it very informative but more importantly damn funny.

I have been reading a lot of articles on this substance GHB and with most things I am curious to try it. As far as I know its legal to buy in the UK? I have found only one site, which sells it at a reasonable price.

Is it worth the money (a bit more than a bottle of decent vodka for a small amount)? I have heard it can give you a loved up feeling similar to ecstasy but without the cracked out feelings the next day/ week. Basically is it a worthwhile drug? Am I likely to collapse like a tramp in a club if I take a little too much by accident?



Dear Gary,

GHB was used to fill the gap when the politicians made ecstasy illegal. It's not as good as ecstasy and it can have unpleasant side effects. In larger doses it brings on sleep and has even caused some people to go into a coma; though it is worth noting there has never been a recorded death from the use of GHB alone, though there have been fatalities when it has been mixed with alcohol.

Sound and vision distortions can be experienced with GHB and used in conjunction with speed can make the hit last for a few hours.

The killjoys have since found out about GHB and banned it in both the USA and more recently in Britain too. In view of this, I should stick with ecstasy (MDMA) as it's much more fun and if you can lay your hands on some decent pills or powder, I see no reason why you should want to try GHB (other than a one off) instead of MDMA, as they're now both illegal, thanks to our boring politicians who hate to see people enjoying themselves on anything other than tobacco or alcohol.


Dr Hemp.

Dear Dr Hemp,

I'm 12 years old and my brother is a serious stoner. I have always looked up to him. Now I have become very interested in the art and science of smoking and selling weed. But I'm uncertain about what age to begin smoking and selling.

Am I some kind of freak for being interested so young? Will I miserably fail at my dream to one day become a successful dealer and smoker?

Please help me Dr Hemp.



Dear Chloe,

My my, 12 years old is actually quite young to start smoking pot; I didn't start until I was 15, however, I did start drinking way before this (but I don't recommend this and certainly less so than marijuana).

Now, as for contemplating getting into dealing at 12 years of age, I'm not sure this is a good idea either; what would Peter Hitchens think? He'd probably have kittens at the very thought.

I guess young people will do what they want to do and if I tell you not to, you'll probably be more likely to do so and become a really big time drug dealer.

However, a word in your ear, you're still quite young and please if only for the good doctor, can you wait a few years? I know it sucks, but you'll thank me for it one day and in the mean time you should do as much research as possible into growing marijuana; there are plenty of good books for you to study and web sites to read.

In a few years time, you could be an accomplished marijuana grower and you could even sell some to your friends to help finance your years through college or university.


Dr Hemp.

Dear Dr Hemp,

Could you tell me where it is legal to cultivate in the USA. If you could help out I would be grateful.



Dear Kyle,

I've heard they're about to legalise in Nevada, which if true, is quite a development, as Nevada used to have a reputation for being one of the more draconian states with regards to drugs.

As far as my conscience goes, it's a plant that grows naturally and therefore should be legal to grow anywhere.

The only people who say you shouldn't grow cannabis are our foolish politicians who in my opinion are the least qualified group of people on the planet to comment on any moral issue.


Dr Hemp.

Dear Dr Hemp,

I am from Bournemouth on the south coast of England. Where can I find mushroom fields in the surrounding area?

Can you help with locations?

Cheers Dr Hemp. Keep up the good work. Excellent site mate!



Dear Linkin,

Magic mushroom season is around the corner, so it's about time I answered a few shroom questions.

Luckily for you, I know the Bournemouth area a bit. First of all, you're not that far from the New Forest where there'll be millions of the little gems. Canford Heath is another good spot, as are some of the parks and golf courses in the area.

Basically, you will often find magic mushrooms in the autumn in any green area, which gets a decent amount of rainfall and has not been ploughed for a good few years.

If you cannot wait for mushroom season and/ or want to try mushrooms from a different country or are unsure what to pick then you should buy a Magic Mushroom Grow Kit.


Dr Hemp.

Dear Dr Hemp,

I am a 17-year-old guy (not that it matters) that lives in Iowa, USA. I love your web site because it broadens my view of the world, much like marijuana. I've smoked weed occasionally for about a year now, thanks to my loving brother who opened my eyes for the first time.

I love your site as I have previously mentioned, but I have one small problem. When you are asked questions involving mushrooms, you tell about what it does, what they look like and such. But you have never said where to find them. This I need to know.

I don't have any connections to buy weed, because I live out in the middle of nowhere. Therefore I have been looking for alternative ways of getting ripped. You said that nutmeg could get you stoned. Well doctor, I have consumed quite a bit of it and I have yet to get messed up, other then a slight twinge of numbness in my arms and legs. I can hold it down quite well but nothing happens. What the hell is up man?

So Dr Hemp, please please tell me, why wont I get high off nutmeg and where do shrooms grow. Thank you much man, I don't know where else to go.



Dear Pierson,

I get many e-mails from people in America, especially Iowa. In fact you're not the first person from Iowa to ask me where to find magic mushrooms.

To be honest, I only know where to pick magic mushrooms in the UK. Liberty Caps, which are the most common hallucinogenic fungi to be found in Britain, will be springing up in late September/ October.

I believe Liberty Caps are also found in the USA and I've even heard of people picking them on the White House lawn. There are other kinds of magic mushrooms to be found all over the world; I've been told some of the strongest ones are found in Hawaii. Go get yourself a good book and do research on the Internet; maybe some of your friends know where to pick them. This is very important, as there are highly poisonous mushrooms, which it is important to also be able to recognise.

With regards to nutmeg, I can assure you it is possible to get very wasted by eating nutmeg, however, I really shouldn't bother. There are much nicer highs (legal or illegal) to experience, however, if you want more information check out the Erowid Nutmeg Vault.

Some powerful legal highs include Morning Glory seeds and Hawaiian Baby Woodrose; for more information see www.potseeds.co.uk/highs/.

A word of caution though, these seeds are extremely strong (especially the Woodrose) and should only be done if you have previous experience of psychedelics. Read up about them first and only take in pleasant surroundings; please don't take them down the pub for a laugh. You might be better off sticking with illegal cannabis, which is much less potent.

If you do decide to try these seeds, this is one of the few times I should ever recommend having a Valium handy, because if it does go horribly wrong, this will help bring the effects down. Don't get me wrong, in the right surrounding these seeds can be very interesting and great fun, yet don't think because they are small little seeds that are not illegal, they cannot be that good. Illegal marijuana or illegal ecstasy is nowhere near as powerful as Hawaiin Baby Woodrose seeds.

Make sure you you read the ALL the information www.erowid.org before you even begin to contemplate taking these seeds, they are not toys.


Dr Hemp.

Dear Dr Hemp,Dumb question

What kinda stuff around the house can clean the resin out of pipes?



Dear Jeremy,

A pipe cleaner makes an ideal tool for cleaning a pipe. If you haven't got one, then buy some from your local tobacconist.

If you're desperate, you can use a paperclip or the inside of a ballpoint pen or small screwdriver.

You'll soon need to clean your pipe regularly if you're brave enough to smoke some of the soap-bar we're giving you for sending in the dumb question.


Dr Hemp.

Dear Dr Hemp,

Just a quick question me and my friend have been smoking cannabis for about 8 - 9 years and living in England have had the occasional misfortune of smoking real tacky resin when we can't get hold of any weed.

Now my question is what the fuck is in resin? We reckon that plastic gets melted into it at some stage, as we have often found veins of it running through the resin. Is it also true that the darker the resin the shittier it is? Exactly how bad compared to weed is it!

Hope you can answer our questions!



Dear Iain,

It sounds to me you are another victim of soap-bar, which is apparently sold in places like Leicester, Birmingham, much of Scotland, Liverpool, Luton, Salford and of course Torquay.

Soap-bar is very uncommon outside of Britain and France; it's unheard of in the States.

Much soap-bar is made in Holland, Morocco or Spain, though it is seldom smoked in any of these countries and you certainly won't find it on the menu of any coffeeshop in Holland.

I'm sorry to tell you it was plastic you found in that shit you bought, as some unscrupulous dealers don't care or know what they are selling to you; it's all about money.

Soap-bar, is basically the last remnants of cannabis plants, mixed with rubber, henna, plastics, glues and all sorts of other nasty stuff. It is very hard and needs a great deal of heating to soften it and becomes hard again very quickly. It is not true the darker the resin the shittier it is; remember there are some lovely solids available on the market and proper cannabis resin from various different counties should have distinct colours and smell lovely.

Funny how our politicians say they don't want to legalise cannabis because they are so concerned about our health, yet the very fact it has been made illegal means this kind of rubbish is sold on the streets. Legalisation would put an end to soap-bar and prevent the most dangerous kind of cannabis smoke being inhaled into people's lungs.


Dr Hemp.

Dear Dr Hemp,Dumb question

I just want to make for sure about this. There are 32 grams in an ounce of marijuana and 16 ounces in a pound, is this correct?



Dear Virion,

I'm sure people are asking dumb questions on purpose just to win the soap-bar; you lot disgust me, as no self-respecting pothead should ever smoke soap-bar. It's nasty stuff and the soap we buy in Torquay is particularly offensive.

All you had to do was type in 'weights measures converters' into google.com and you would have found a web site to answer your question, you dim wit!

Don't they teach you anything in skool these days? I was tempted to lie and then buy some cannabis from you, but as you seem especially stupid, I feel this would be unkind, so here are the correct conversions.

There are 28.35 grams in an ounce, however, you are correct to say there are 16 ounces in a pound, assuming we're talking about avoirdupois and not troy systems of measurement, which I'm sure you already knew, as you're not that dumb are you?


Dr Hemp.

Dear Dr Hemp,

I was wondering if you could help me. There was a chemical shown on and old Quincy TV show starting with the letter 'C' that was used in the seventies to make dope grow bigger and would enhance the THC as well.

If you know it please tell me, just curiosity not wanting to use it.



Dear Derek,

I'm a great Quincy fan and the sad thing is, I remember the episode you're talking about, alas, I cannot remember what chemical was used; darn, I'll have to wait for the next set of re-runs on BBC1 in the afternoons.

It might have been PCP aka angel dust, which does not make it grow bigger or enhance the THC (or begin with the letter 'C'), but would get you completely off your head.

If you're looking for good nutrients to enhance your crop then check out www.generalhydroponics.com or www.growthtechnology.co.uk.


Dr Hemp.

Dear Dr Hemp,

Hello, I started growing 20 plants outside about a month ago and they are 6 inches now. I was wondering how long till they start flowering. Also I was wondering how much longer until they will be ready for harvesting.



Dear Adam,

There are hundreds of varieties of cannabis and they do not all have the same flowering time, so it's impossible for me to give you an answer, as I do not know what you are growing. I could be anything from 6 to 16 weeks or perhaps longer.

If you purchased your seeds from a good supplier, they should tell you the flowering time.

Generally, plants do not go into flower until the light cycle is somewhere around 12 hours.


Dr Hemp.

Dear Dr Hemp,

A friend of mine recently introduced me to a great drug, DXM, which happens to be legal. I have not seen any information on this on your site, and no I didn't look at the whole damn thing.

It's a cough suppressant in every brand of anti-cough shit ever. I was wondering how it compares to acid, which I have not been able to find. If you already knew about DXM I'm sorry for wasting your time.



Dear Tris,

Actually, most cough medicines do not contain DXM, because it is known to make you high; if you really want to try this then go for the ones that don't say 'no drowsiness'. The reason the bottles that contain DXM don't say 'no drowsiness' is because it will make you drowsy.

You're correct there is no information about DXM on this site, as I've never tried it. I used to know a guy who took three Valiums at a time and drank a couple bottles of Cough Medicine a day. The zombie like state this produced in him has put me off for life the idea of drinking a bottle of cough medicine. It also made his breath stink of disinfectant, which you could smell at more than several paces.

Remember, just because a substance is supposed to get you high, it does not necessarily mean it's worth doing. From what I've heard, DXM makes you sleepy, rather than high; I never comment in great detail about any drugs I have not personally done. Why don't get some decent illegal drugs?


Dr Hemp.

Dear Dr Hemp,

I live in Plymouth, which as you know is close to Totnes. I've been told a few times about how relaxed the laws are in Totnes regarding the use of dope. I even heard about women smoking cannabis whilst in Labour. Is this true?

I'm getting sick of smoking the usual muck we get here in Plymouth (usually still has bits of cling film and all sorts of shite in it and it smells like diesel).

Basically could I just take a trip to Totnes, ask around and get some seeds off someone. The reason I'm asking is because I'm a bit dubious about buying stuff of the web (soap-bar made me go paranoid).

If not a few recommendations as to who to get seeds from (on the web) would be much appreciated.

Take it easy mate, mental site, thanks in advance.



Dear Adrian,

You are right, the Police are less bothered these days about cannabis usage, yet probably no less so in Plymouth than they are in Totnes.

I'm not sure about women smoking cannabis in Labour; I didn't think our local Labour councillor Vera Harvey was the type; I think that's more up the Liberal Democrat's street.

I can assure you that you can score decent cannabis in Plymouth and luckily you are less likely to encounter soap-bar anymore after that massive bust, which happened a few weeks ago. If anybody wants that shit they'll have to go to Torquay where it is in plentiful supply.

It's perfectly safe to buy seeds from the Internet and at www.potseeds.co.uk you'll find a superb selection of cannabis seeds on offer. If you don't want to buy seeds off the Internet then certainly take a trip to nearby Totnes on Friday for the market where you'll find Charlie without the dreads selling some fine F1 cannabis seeds (for your budgie of course).


Dr Hemp.

Dear Dr Hemp,

I only started smoking the 'erb about a year ago, but I know it's a blinding thing to do. I want to get some often, but I can't afford to grow my own with the lamps and all that, and the dealers rip my ass off.

Stupid question, but is there any way of getting hold of any THC-rich goods, without giving shitloads of money to either an electrical store or a money-hungry dealer?



Dear Stuart,

What do you mean you cannot afford the correct equipment to grow your own? You've already stated you do not wish dealers to rip your ass off.

In my opinion, you cannot afford not to grow your own if you do not wish this situation to continue.

Don't be so tight and get your arse together. You'll save money in the long term if you grow your own and if you take a bit of care, you'll probably end up with much better quality cannabis than which is found on the streets.

Initially, buy a decent book, such as Indoor Marijuana Horticulture by Jorge Cervantes and whilst your ingesting the information save up some money for a grow room. Simple eh!


Dr Hemp.

Dear Dr Hemp,

The police have been buzzing around and my plants outdoors so I need it to bud now but how? I have no way of bringing it indoors; it's huge and not in a pot.



Dear Tre,

It's getting to the time of year when all the outdoor cannabis should be ready to flower in the northern hemisphere. Great!

If you want to speed up the flowering process then use a very thick light proof bin liner or similar, which you should cover the plant with after it has had 12 hours of light. This not that time consuming, yet you'll need to do this every day without fail.

You might want to disguise the outside somehow if you're really that paranoid about flying pigs seeing them.

Good luck with your plants, and this goes for the millions of outdoor cannabis growers out there. I hope you all have a wonderful and plentiful harvest this year. Well done everybody, lets hope next year even more cannabis will be grown outdoors, knowing full well there's fuck-all the authorities can do about it!


Dr Hemp.

Dear Dr Hemp,

Are there any tricks or special things I can do to get higher when I smoke? I've studied weed forever and know a lot about it but I can't seem to find a web site that will tell me how to get higher and I thought that you would know some tips or trick. If so, e-mail me back and tell me how.



Dear Blunta,

There are many ways to get even higher when smoking weed. Try sprinkling some Synergy Sage Salvia x10 extract in your spliff.

Alternatively, if you are lucky or rich enough to get hold of some DMT, this should take you into a completely new realm. Poppers also work quickly and I'm told crack cocaine does the job in super fast time, if you're really that desperate to get high; personally I shouldn't bother with the later one.

Another super quick hit would be to inject ketamin intramuscularly (not a good idea really), yet maybe you would like to try all of them together and tell me what it's like, because I'd never be mad enough to try this; though I bet some of our readers would.


Dr Hemp.

Click here for more questions to Dr Hemp.

At last ...
Caned In Totnes hemp t-shirts.

Hemp t-shirts from Pot Seeds  Well, we've been promising them for ages and they're finally here.

Pot Seeds have kindly produced some Caned In Totnes t-shirts of a marijuana leaf painted by Totnes based artist Dan Wheatley.

They also have a fine selection of humorous hemp t-shirts and are promising more stock soon.

All t-shirts they sell are made by the UK Hemp Union and are the first and still the best 65% Hemp T-shirts in the world. Each t-shirt weighs approximately 330g and has a reinforced heavyweight collar and side slits on the bottom. It comes in a natural creamy colour with a slightly open weave. All prints are done using water based, lead free and cruelty free environmental inks.

To keep informed about more great hemp related products and site updates then why not join Dr Hemp's e-mail list.

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Magic mushrooms Bibliography

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[DISCLAIMER: We are not drug dealers - so please don't ask Dr Hemp to sell you drugs as under present UK law he is unable to do so.]