++CLUB++ Monday 5th Dec

Quintron & Miss Pussycat LIVE at The Garage

"Drawing inspiration from the Scientists, Captain Beefheart and The Beasts of Bourbon, it's angst ridden stories over a mutated take on early post-punk and sixties outsider blues" They're playing at the Garage on September 26th... ++MORE++


++REVIEW++ 28 Nov 2006, The Scala, London

Black Mountain / Dead Meadow

Ah the days when music was real, where a tour a wasn't a tour unless it was undertaken in a behemoth of a bus, you weren't rock n roll unless you had groupies galore and a penchant for smashing hotel rooms and where you were classed as a freak or a geek dependent on your music tastes. Dead Meadow.. ++MORE++

Artrocker Forum

FORUM IS LIVE Yes! Finally sorted out the Artrocker bulletin board. It will open in a new browser window. The latest posts are below. Click them to go straight to the post and start a ruck. Yes! ++ GO TO THE FORUM ++

When Post title Posted by
5.05pm God is in the TV zine Bill
5.05pm God is in the TV zine Bill
5.05pm God is in the TV zine Bill
5.05pm God is in the TV zine Bill
5.05pm God is in the TV zine Bill
5.05pm God is in the TV zine Bill
5.05pm God is in the TV zine Bill
53.05pm Hello sailor! Ben
5.05pm God is in the TV zine Bill
5.05pm God is in the TV zine Bill
5.05pm God is in the TV zine Bill
Artrocker Recommends

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Wed 17th May
The Twat Inn, Dudley
++ full details ++