Dr HumpAsk Dr Hump

Welcome to Ask Dr Hump - the Internet's very own Sex Agony Aunt and a bitch with attitude!

In America they have Dr Ruth to answer sex questions, however, many stoners feel that someone who has a face like a walrus' arse is not best qualified to answer questions on rumpy pumpy - that's why Dr Hemp's friend, Dr Hump, has agreed to answer your nookie queries.

Please e-mail your sex related questions to [email protected].

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Dear Dr Hump,

There is this lady down my street and I was wondering how I could get her into bed?

Eagerly waiting your response.


Martial Master.

Dear Martial Master,

Easy! Bombard her with gifts of flowers and chocolates. Start taking photographs of her and pin them on your bedroom wall. Follow her every move, to work, picking up her kids at school, pubs, clubs, etc.,

Find out her mobile phone number and inundate her with filthy text messages, if she is online, then do this too with emails and send her self pics of you naked, just like Colonel Varley.

Leave anonymous notes which she could easily find; you could even break into her house like a knicker bandit to steal her panties; make sure you leave obvious clues so she suspects it is you.

She'll be the love of your life before you know it and gagging to get you into bed.

With all my love,

Dr Hump.

Colnel Varley, assistant chief of staff in Northern Ireland

More revealing pics of assistant chief of staff in Northern Ireland

Colonel Mark Varley
Assistant Chief of Staff in Northern Ireland

Dear Dr Hump,

My girlfriend has been begging me to try anal sex for weeks now, and I've been delaying it because I'm not too interested in getting a chocolate coated dick.

What do you think the chances of a messy situation are of happening? Either way, I guess I could just get fucking wasted and shove it up her shit-tube. After 9 beers I'm sure faeces has the currency of gold.



Dear David,

I can understand your apprehension at your girlfriend's sodomistic proposal. Call me an old fashioned Devonshire lass, but I've always believed you should always cum in the front door and the back door is for exit only.

You should agree to your girl's request, but only on condition she gives you a blow job immediately after the event and cleans your tackle for you with her tongue. Hopefully this will put her off the idea, if not then 9 pints of beer may well be needed to give you enough Dutch courage to perform such a filthy act on your partner's chocolate starfish.

With all my love,

Dr Hump.

Dear Dr Hump,

I am a Burger King Employee and I have two fuck buddies who are close friends with each other. I have feelings for both of them and one of the boys' cousins. What do I do?


P.S. I'm serious.

Dear Santina,

As you will be spotty, greasy, fat and ugly, because you are a Burger King employee; I'm surprised you can get any fuck buddies at all.

I should keep all your fuck buddies and not let on to any of them that you're screwing all of them behind their back, as you'll soon be single if they find out.

With all my love,

Dr Hump.

Dear Dr Hump,

I give my wife great orgasms. I would like to know if there is a way I can make her squit when she has an orgasm?



Dear Gary,

Now why on Earth would you want to do that my dear?

It sounds like a messy old business. I suppose you could feed her prunes or laxatives, but don't be surprised if she's not best pleased and it doesn't turn out to be the most romantic of occasions.

With all my love,

Dr Hump.

Dear Dr Hump,

My boyfriend is currently in jail and I really need some ass, but I don't want to cheat on him what do I do?


Devil Chick.

Dear Devil Chick,

You might as well cheat on him, as your boyfriend is almost certainly getting or giving some ass in some dirty prison cell, so I shouldn't feel too guilty about it.

With all my love,

Dr Hump.

Dear Dr Hump,

How do I get over my fear of losing my virginity? I am female and I desperately need help.

I just can't bring myself to it. I heard it feels great the first time, but I'm just scared about the whole thing and I simply don't know. Can you help me?



Dear Audrina,

Maybe you're just going to turn out to be one of those bitter and twisted spinsters who never have sex. I guess that's the way fate has chosen you; go join your local branch of the Women's Institute and take up knitting.

With all my love,

Dr Hump.

Dear Dr Hump,

I am a 52 year old divorced bisexual male who has always (even when married) had sex with other men, but just hand and oral. Nowadays, all I think about is being a bottom, I really fantasise about being penetrated by a man.

Now to my question, is it harder to be broke in so to speak when you get older, as when I try myself I find it hard enough to insert one finger?



Dear Pete,

Didn't your mother ever tell you your poohole is for shitting? How the hell should I know whether it's harder to be broke in backwards as you get older when I'm equipped with a front bottom which is specifically designed for this purpose.

I can only recommend you find Mr Small, because if your finger is giving you trouble then I doubt king dong will be very snug and fit in nicely. Ouch! Better stock up on those poppers.

With all my love,

Dr Hump.

Dear Dr Hump,

I smoke a lot of weed everyday and I am trying for a child with my girlfriend, but there has been no luck for over a year.

Could the weed have anything to do with it? I know I can have kids, but there has been no joy. A bit of helpful advice would be nice!

Yours sincerely,


Dear Paddy,

I'm afraid you're shooting blanks. All your sperm are stoned and cannot be bothered to find the egg. They're all lounging around in your gonads eating pizzas and talking rubbish.

If you want to have kids then it's off to the sperm bank to get some sober semen.

With all my love,

Dr Hump.

Dear Dr Hump,

I am a desperate 23 year old man who still hasn't had sex yet.

I am very shy and do not have a clue as to how to persuade a girl into bed. I think I'm frigid, but like to wank at least thrice a week and exploring my back hole.

What do I do to get a girl into bed?



Dear Willbo,

You sound like a bit of a wanker, which will explain your inability to pop your cherry.

Get your fingers out of your arse (unless you're a dung puncher who kicks with the left foot) and get down the pub; you're bound to eventually find some pissed up old slapper who'll be willing to do the deed. If you still have no success then a visit to the cash machine will put to an end your lonely, pathetic sex starved existence.

With all my love,

Dr Hump.

Dear Dr Hump,

My boyfriend is really bad in the sack but I love him to death. What do I do?


Dear Jodi,

Dump him.

With all my love,

Dr Hump.

Dear Dr Hump,

I have a problem with going too quick or too long and I really could use some pointers on how to regulate for my girlfriend.

I also have this thing about my size. My girl says I'm big and brags to her friends but I don't feel big enough. How could I make it bigger with out a penis pump?



Dear Jitz,

First of all, most girls lie to their boyfriends about their cocks being big to make them feel secure, but it's evident you feel like a sausage in a bucket. You could always hang a sack of potatoes on the end of your pink oboe to gain some extra length.

It must be frustrating for you, as you either jump the gun or end up running a marathon with no finish line in your bedroom Olympics. You need to learn to pace yourself man; get a grip! Alcohol and drugs can help prolong sex and getting your girlfriend's sexy mates to join in the fun can end the loneliness of the long distance cummer.

With all my love,

Dr Hump.

Dear Dr Hump,

I am 23 years old man from Pakistan and I have married for 2 years. I have no time and my cock is very small. Please guide me to big my cock and time.


Asif Khan.

Dear Asif Khan,

You need yoni puja doing and pray to Goddess Shakti for bigger elephant like manhood. Hurry be quick, so you can fuckee lady with enlarged prick.

With all my love,

Dr Hump.

Dear Dr Hump,

I've been with this amazing girl going on for months now. I am 16, but please don't pass over my question as you and I both know that the age people are having sex and sexual experiences keeps decreasing as time goes on, and I figure who better too ask than the Internet's Sex Agony Aunt herself.

I do want my relationship to keep growing with this girl, emotionally and physically. I've been told that I am a great kisser when we hook up, but I am a little worried if Ill be as good as a kisser when I go down on her. So I guess my question is how is the best way to go from 2nd base to 3rd base while we're hooking up. What is the best way of eating a girl out?

Please get back to me when you can.


P.S. The people who write to you and mouth off to you are dumb asses. It's your site, you can type what you want.

Dear RY,

There comes a time when every girl will invite you to a fish supper feast with the tang of the sea and plenty of batter. The rule goes like this:

If your snogging is crap
You'll never get a flap snack
If you are an excellent kisser
You'll be fine at licking her pisser

The principles to muff diving are essentially the same as French kissing on the lips, I'm sure you'll be fine my lad. Enjoy your fur burger and remember, if you do a good job then she'll let you progress to 4th base in no time.

With all my love,

Dr Hump.

Dear Dr Hump,

First of all let me just say that you probably have no experience whatsoever in these kinds of affairs. It sounds to me like you're some sick ass Joe who is trying to screw people over. I bet you're still a virgin so I suggest that you go to hell and leave professional questions to someone who actually has some common sense.



Dear Arthur,

Now look hear arsehole, who are you to question my infinite wisdom?

The advice I give is honest, real and genuine, unlike the dubious humourless advice on offer from the corporate sponsored agony aunts of newspapers and daytime TV.

I abhor these so called professional do-gooders, who more than often moralise and patronise, rather than offer any worthwhile council.

My hundreds of thousands of fans all over the world who have read my letter page speak praise enough. I've had more sex than you've had hot dinners, you whining little turd. I hope you get lots of hate e-mail from my loyal fans!

With all my love,

Dr Hump.

Dear Dr Hump,

I'd like to assume the Dr Hump position for a second to give some 'cheeky' advice to the people out there on your behalf. I read one of the posts from someone complaining at your 'rude' replies and I'd like to comment on this:

If you people out there are going to ask stupid questions about things you most often shouldn't be worried about, then you should expect Dr Hump to have a little sarcastic fun with the reply. You wouldn't want her falling asleep over your ultra boring pleas for help now would you? Also, it wouldn't be half as entertaining to read a serious reply to questions you shouldn't seriously be asking.

Perhaps you all need to spend a little more time masturbating in the mud at the bottom of your gardens, to realise just how dirty sex can be. Get over it and yourselves!

Best Regards,


Dear Rob,

Yes, you're right. More compliments please!

With all my love,

Dr Hump.

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