Ask Dr Hemp Dr Hemp

Welcome to Dr Hemp - the Internet drugs agony uncle.

Dr Hemp offers responsible drugs advice to young and old from all around the world.

If you have a drugs related question then Dr Hemp will have an answer for you. Please check Dr Hemp's archives before asking a question, as much of the information you seek will already be on this site.

Please email questions to [email protected]. The best questions win a packet of cannabis seeds and the most stupid ones receive a Dumb Question Award along with some grotty soapbar from Torquay.

Pot leaf Scroll down to see recent questions to Dr Hemp. Pot leaf

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February 2002 (part 2)
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Spring 2004

Dear Dr Hemp,

Can you help me out, as I just can't make up my mind? I am thinking of buying some herbal ecstasy and would like some advice on which is the best.

I'm a keen mushroom grower and have been taking ecstasy for 4 years now, so I've been on a journey or two.



Dear John,

Obviously, the best herbal high on the market is Dr Hemp's U4Ea. This will give you great bursts of energy and keep you dancing all night with that nice loved up feeling, but without the nasty comedown associated with chemical street drugs.

Don't' take too much if you're planning to go to bed early. I personally recommend and endorse this fantastic healthy herbal elixir. Go buy some now from


Dr Hemp.

Dr Hemp's U4Ea liquid herbal high

Dear Dr Hemp,

Your site rules, it's so helpful to stoners and as far as I am concerned it has put you up there with Howard Marks and a few select others as the most helpful individuals in this great several world of ours.

I read your advice on the best soil mix for growing (one third perlite or vermiculite, one third horticultural silver sand and one third coconut husk or peat free compost) but I was just wondering how you prepare it? It's mainly the coconut husk bit that I'm a bit unsure about. Do I loosen all the fibres of the husk until I have loads of individual fibres then just mix it in with the sand and perlite so that it's evenly distributed?

That's my guess, but I just wanted to check with the don!


A pig in a cage on antibiotics.

Dear Pig in a cage on antibiotics,

I fear you are a victim of the evil chemical corporations who feed you daily on unnecessary antibiotics, whilst keeping you imprisoned against your will in a cage on death row.

We meat eaters, by proxy, end up eating bacon sandwiches filled to the brim with toxic chemicals and poisons, which alter our DNA structure and impair the immune system of us and our offspring for generations to come.

As to how you prepare the three part ganja soil mix, oddly enough, you thoroughly mix it together with approximately one third portions of each mix.


Dr Hemp.

Dear Dr Hemp,

I hope this isn't a dumb question, but if you are caught in possession of weed seed, even skunk seeds, can you be prosecuted in the UK (say in the last few years)?



Dear Clair,

Cannabis seeds are legal to buy, own or sell in the UK (in fact they are in most countries with the notable exception of the USA and a few others).

This might ordinarily merit a dumb question award and the grotty Torquay soapbar that comes with it. However, you have given me an excellent opportunity to plug my new brand of cannabis seeds that I've just launched in the form of Dr Hemp's Seeds.

Dr Hemp's Seeds are my very own range of 11 top quality Dutch F1 cannabis seeds, including popular strains such as White Widow, Super Skunk, Jack Herer and Hindu Kush.

These cannabis seeds have been developed in The Netherlands and have been thoroughly tested through a special selection process, with a germination rate of over 95%.

Sadly for me, I have to make regular visits to The Netherlands to personally test the quality of the end product, once the seeds have fully matured and harvested into smokable bud. Alas, I'm afraid someone has to do these awful jobs and I only hope I become incredibly rich in the process for all my sacrifices.


Dr Hemp.

Dr Hemp's Seeds

Dear Dr Hemp,

I'm just your everyday Joe Shmo, who is tired of the bastard bud dealers keeping myself and all my buds broke. As a man, I've decided to D.I.Y it.

I plan to go with the tried and true ebb and flow system, but my main concern is which light to get without breaking the bank! I'm thinking a 5 plant set-up would do just nicely to keep myself and a few buds smoking for a fraction of the street price.

So Dr, my question to you is, for a pot snob like me who loves it sticky, should I get an inexpensive 400w HPS or a switchable ballast 400w MH and HPS, or would a 1000w HPS do the trick? During flowering does 1000w HPS make much of a difference compared to 1400w HPS?



Dear Joe,

Well done for opting for the self sufficient option. This is what I've been urging the world to do for several years now on this web site and I'm thrilled to learn that more and more people are taking my advice by growing their own cannabis.

Ultimately, the more you spend on your grow room set up, the better the end results will be, however this will also depend on how good a grower your are.

As you are only going for a small set up then the 400w UV light will be fine if you don't want to break the bank. Switch to a 400w sodium light for the flowering stage and change the nutrients accordingly. Stroll through my past archives on this web site for handy cannabis grow trips and check out the forums of

As you expand your grow operation you can always spend more money for a better set up. For larger grow rooms or commercial projects, more cash should be spent on equipment, and it'll be well worth it. Many commercial growers use the cheapest growing methods and seeds available, whereas the hobby home grower tends to spend more money on his growing equipment, thus will generally harvest the lovely sticky bud you yearn for.


Dr Hemp.

Dear Dr Hemp,

Using spaceships and curious theories involving the speed of light and things, it is possible to in effect "travel into the future". Is it possible, theoretically or otherwise, to travel backwards into the past?

I once met someone who later stole my wallet. I'd like to go back and teach him a thing or two about brotherly love.

In anticipation,


Dear Pete,

It is yet unproven that you can physically travel forwards or backwards in time. Spiritually this can definitely be done.

I suggest you travel back in time to before the thief's parents were born and assassinate them, thus changing the timeline with the theft of your wallet. Be careful, as the temporal disruptions may cause you to also be assassinated at some point; for further information study the Terminator films and the latest series of Enterprise on Sky 1.


Dr Hemp.

Dear Dr Hemp,

I was wondering if you knew which type of magic mushrooms are most potent?

I once took a bunch of shrooms that were pretty potent, but I never got the name of them. I am trying to order some spores and want to know which ones to get. Any ideas?



Dear Casei,

The strongest magic mushrooms in the world are said to be Psilocybe cyanescens from Canada.

Welsh and Dartmoor Liberty Caps are world renowned for their strong and enjoyable psychedelic effects. The strongest mushrooms you can find on the British high street are Hawaiian Coplandia, which are legally imported from The Netherlands.


Dr Hemp.

Dear Dr Hemp,

I recently bought Mexican magic mushrooms from Camden market, North London (I was assured by the seller that these were an ideal species for the first time user, which I am). The problem is I have received greatly varied advice with regards to dosage. One guy told me 10 grams, an internet site specified 1 gram, while another suggested 5 grams.

I am a newcomer and the last thing I want to do is overdose (I'm not so keen on hallucinations). Any advice would be helpful. The mushrooms in question are fresh.



Dear Owen,

First of all, may I take this opportunity to say how excellent I think it is that you can legally buy magic mushrooms openly on Camden Market; it restores some faith in British society and our future.

If you're not keen on hallucinations then why are you playing with the mushroom Goddess?

Smaller doses may bring about a state of euphoria with only mild visual altered perceptions, although, different people react uniquely. It sounds like you don't want to be starting with a strong dose, remember you can always take more, if you like the effects, but it's harder to bring yourself down if you've taken too many. If this does happen, caffeine and vitamin C are reputed to bring you down.

In terms of overdosing, Dutch studies showed magic mushrooms had a low potential for abuse, less than tobacco or alcohol, and they are non-toxic. So I shouldn't worry too much, as long as you take in sensible surroundings and moderate your dose.


Dr Hemp .

Dear Dr Hemp,

I have a couple of mushrooms that are turning a crazy blue colour and don't look like normal North West Florida shrooms, but I think they might be because of my research that says the blue spores are trippy.

I'll give you a description; they are white and have blue rings from the centre outward. The rings are like those of a tree's growth rings. I would take them if I was stupid, but I'm not sure, so I thought I'd ask you if I should do them or not?



Dear Sjon,

It's extremely unadvisable to consume any fungi that you cannot correctly identify, as there are some magic mushrooms that resemble highly poisonous or even deadly mushrooms. Isn't it fortunate in Europe we can legally buy fresh properly identified psilocybin mushrooms and/ or grow kits on the high streets in town centres, thus greatly eliminating the risk of deaths by people picking deadly mushrooms in the wild by mistake. What a shame the backward USA chooses to have draconian magic mushrooms laws, even though this puts lives at risk, particularly amongst youngsters.

Magic mushrooms are less toxic than caffeine, so as long as you are consuming the right kind, no physical harm will come to you, and they even have medicinal healing qualities, though care should be taken with large doses.

A cautionary tale, you don't want to end up like a guy I met on Vancouver Island who had eaten several ounces of slimy banded cortinarius, which resemble cyenesance pylocybe, but they had unknown side effects and toxicity. The poor guy was poisoned for months and the hospital had no antidote; I remember him telling me "after sunrise I ain't never coming down!"

It is of regret there are certain fascists in Britain and other parts of Europe, who are trying to break international laws and stop the legal sale fresh magic mushrooms, just to further their own prohibitionist lies and scaremongering, even though in reality, these fascists cause infinitely more harm than good.


Dr Hemp.

Dear Dr Hemp,

I have just ordered some Hawaiian Baby Woodrose seeds, but I am wondering if they are legal in the UK?



Dear Andy,

Yes they are legal in the UK; in fact they're legal in all countries.

The international convention on Narcotics states: "Plants as such are not, -it is submitted-are also not likely to be, listed in Schedule I, but only some products obtained from plants. Article 7 therefore does not apply to plants as such from which substances in Schedule I may be obtained, nor does any other provision of the Vienna Convention. Moreover, the cultivation of plants from which psychotropic substances are obtained is not controlled by the Vienna Convention. (...) The inclusion in Schedule I of the active principle of a substance does not mean that the substance itself is also included therein if it is a substance clearly distinct from the substance constituting its active principle. This view is in accordance with the traditional understanding of that question in the field of international drug control. Neither the crown (fruit, mescal button) of the Peyote cactus (...) nor Psilocybe mushrooms themselves are included in Schedule I, but only their respective active principles, mescaline (...) and psilocybin (psilocin, psilotsin)."

This means magic mushrooms, peyote buttons, LSA-containing seeds, San Pedro cacti, even datura, if you want to go there (you probably don't), are completely legal and any fascists that try to tell you otherwise are simply wrong and do not know international law.


Dr Hemp.

Dear Dr Hemp,

I just stumbled onto the web site and I don't know why I haven't before. I have a question for the all-knowing. Why is that lately, when my girlfriend smokes marijuana (and I'm talking about even low grade stuff) she suffers from accelerated heart rate, dizziness, nausea, trouble breathing, and extreme paranoia?

It wasn't always like this. Is she is one of those one or two hit and quit smokers? It doesn't really make any sense to us and we would like to know, because she used to enjoy the herb very much, but is now a little weary of it. Please help, Dr Hemp!



Dear Victor,

You're obviously going out with a lightweight bint. In my day, girls could chuff the holy dagga until the cows come home.

Give her some ephredra to get her libido going again and improve her breathing. As for the paranoia, inform her we live in a dark and frightening world; all her fears are real, so she might as well hide from this outside world in a cannabis induced stupor.


Dr Hemp.

Dear Dr Hemp,

As you have most likely heard that Homelands is on this again this year, and it will be my first time going, but am worried about the dreaded sniffer dogs. I will be taking ecstasy with me and so will some friends. Although most of my friends have been before and say there is not a lot to worry about, however, in the back of my mind it does haunt me a little of course! I'm not a dealer or an addict; I'm just a DJ who earns a living, keeps a misses and a baby girl.

My other half says she will hide them, but I wont let her, as the thought of her getting busted will do my head in.

Please help!


Dj Doolittle.

Dear Dj Doolittle,

You're a decent guy who simply wants to let his hair down and have some fun with some filthy chemicals. You and I both know there are fascists out there who would begrudge you this little recreational pastime and have your liberty taken away for this at tax-payers expense (you fund them).

It's not a pretty solution, but if you don't want to be detected by the fascists and endure all the grief that would ensue, then I suggest you shove your pills where the sun don't shine. Your desire to protect your misses is admirable, but to be honest, let's respect women's lib, after all she's going to partake too and will be able to smuggle twice as many drugs on her person as you.

Enjoy the Homelands festival!


Dr Hemp.

Dear Dr Hemp,

My name is Levi and I live in America (unfortunately) so I was wondering if you could help me out with a legal question. I have asked everyone I could think of and looked all over the Internet for the answer (which is different every time), until I found your website. Since you seem to be a highly educated man in these matters (no pun intended), I figured I would shoot it to you.

Is it legal to buy feminized seeds from outside of America and have them shipped to America?

Sorry if you've already answered this and thanks for taking the time out.



Dear Justin,

It is unfortunate you live in blood thirsty America, where billions of dollars are spent on wars in far off lands, while their cities are rife with poverty and gun crime, and they won't even allow from a bit of harmless marijuana. Such is their hatred of the hemp plant, which is mainly because it is a cheap and more economical alternative to cotton and wood paper, they could even spend money sending you to prison if you are caught with cannabis seeds, let alone the final grown product.

The good news is, Bush's botty boy Blair, continues to allow us in Britain to buy and sell cannabis seeds, including some very good and reasonably priced 100% female seeds. There are plenty of companies who will ship seeds to the USA, often hidden in some clever way to get past US customs.


Dr Hemp.

Over 100 varieties of F1 cannabis seeds

Dear Dr Hemp,

As you seem to be a fairly enlightened man (no arse licking intended). I was wondering what you thought of Tommy Chong's recent nine month jail sentence, for endorsing pipes n bongs n shit.


Woody .

Dear Woody,

I am enlightened, not just fairly.

I thought Chong's recent incarceration in the land of the free was outrageous, if only his rich so-called mate Cheech stood by him in his hour of need, rather than pretending to be a cop on mainstream American television.

I'm glad I don't live in hillbilly America where you can buy a gun at the supermarket, but get sent to prison if you want to get high. I fear the DEA would have a shit fit if they knew about all the cannabis seeds and magic mushroom grow kits I keep sending to America, with false customs declarations.


Dr Hemp.

Dear Dr Hemp,

I want to let you know you have been a true inspiration to an American stoner living in constant, but hazy, persecution.

My friends and I have recently been enjoying a few months of constant smoking, and the parts I remember have never been more fun.

However, we have encountered a snag. A friend of mine was just suspended at school for suspicion of drug dealing, and by suspicion I mean he wasn't carrying anything illegal, but a snitch said he was a pothead.

He was completely clean and yet he was suspended and will possibly be expelled. Can you possible explain why he is getting the book thrown at him while the guy who put someone else in a coma last week was suspended for three days and not even arrested?

Fuck America man I'm coming to Totnes.



Dear Matt,

Sorry to hear about the harassment your mates are receiving in the land of the free for having fun smoking cannabis. This is yet another typical example of the edgy paranoia that is prevalent in the USA.

It says a lot about the values of the American establishment when a suspected (but not proven) marijuana user is denied an education, yet a proven violent thug is tolerated. No wonder you want to get out and come to Europe.

The best advice I can give is to tell your friend to indignantly deny the allegation and demand a drug test, which he can easily cheat. To do this he should abstain from smoking pot until they do the test. Prior to the test, he should drink a cleansing drink and then plenty of water, which he will then pee out to provide the urine sample. If you read past answers on this web site, you'll find more answers in greater detail explaining how to cheat a drug test.

If he still gets expelled, tell him not to worry too much, as this will give him lots of kudos with his peers and will have much more time on his hands to do fun things like smoking pot and playing on the X-box.

At the end of the day, you will need to fight to change America yourself, and no that doesn't mean I suggest you take a Tech-9 into your school to waste all the snitches.


Dr Hemp.

Proven Drug Testing Solutions

Dear Dr Hemp,

I've recently discovered your web site. You have many good facts and tips! But what's with all the bashing of the American Military? I'm in the Air Force myself and I feel quite proud defending my country, I just don't know why you think that's such a bad thing.

Yours truly,


Dear Andrew,

I'll try to put it in simplistic turns, as you've been brainwashed by the American media.

Think of George Bush as Darth Vader, an evil and loyal servant to the corporate empires, and you as one of the stormtroopers of the said evil empire sent to destroy life on our Ewok planet as we know it.

Do you get it now! Look into the mirror and get out of your Tie Fighter and into a Millennium Falkon to join the rebel alliance. May the farce be with you!


Dr Hemp.

Dear Dr Hemp,

I am interested in trying Peyote, but I am unsure about how much dosage is required to make an effect?

Also can you recommend any links to any reliable (and inexpensive) suppliers please? I live along the south coast of the UK.



Dear Adam,

For all your ornamental and sacramental cacti needs visit Your decision to meet the great peyote God is a leap into the unknown; have faith and may you find what you seek.

A moderate dose would be a couple of 15 year old buttons; if you want a stronger adventure, simply take more. I consumed 8 or so large buttons in the Mexican desert and had a life changing experience.

Older peyote buttons are quite rare and therefore fairly expensive. San Pedro is a more cost effective alternative, although, not entirely the same, as there are rumoured to be more alkaloids present in peyote that make you trip. You could also buy some peyote grow kits or a large number of 4 year old peyote, which you can then grow and nurture to take in 10 to 15 years in the future. The buttons do grow back, so once they are ready for journeying, you can repeat the experience annually.


Dr Hemp.

Dear Dr Hemp,

I have been a fan of the site for years, it always makes for an interesting read and the drug tips come in handy. It has been at least a year since the last time I checked things out and I can't help but notice a big change in your tone in your recent replies.

It seems you have gone all Goddessy mystical shamanic on us? Don't get me wrong, drugs and spirit make a dandy combination. My question is what tuned you into universal consciousness/love/light and rainbows? Or is this new tone merely a way of dressing up Dr Hemp for entertainment value?

Big hugs,


Dear Andrea,

I've recently undergone massive spiritual enlightenment due to getting high on my own supply. I've sampled all of my own products, including Horse Killer, magic mushrooms and Dr Hemp's U4Ea.

Together with living in Totnes, this has turned me all shamanistic and Goddessy. I'm surrounded by crystals, bongos and didgeridoos. I'm off too my new-age therepy workshop next weekend, but don't worry, as I'll be back in town dressed up in my baggy white trousers and a head band to answer yet more questions about the cosmic universe to entertain my loyal devoted fans!


Dr Hemp.

Dear Dr Hemp,

First up just want to say if there were more people like you sir the world would be a better place!

I started smoking pot about a month ago, and I've been stoned every Saturday. It's great! The only problem is, each Sunday I wake up with a prick of a runny nose that won't go away until the next day. It's not like when I have a cold (thick gooey), it's really runny, and I can taste pot every time I sniffle. It's really annoying; I go through about 50 tissues the following day! Could this be because I'm smoking through a pipe? What could I do to get rid of this super runny nose?

I've tried the obvious flu medication, but they don't seem to help much. Thanks in advance.



Dear Matthew,

What a shame you're one of those wheezy asthmatic types who suffer from permanent colds or allergies. Smoking marijuana certainly, will not help your condition, nor will those corporate supplied flu medications, which are simply putting more toxins into your body, when you need to be getting rid of them.

Go on a detox, have regular acupuncture sessions, study qui gong and get into the mother Goddess more often.


Dr Hemp.

Dear Dr Hemp,

My boyfriend is an avid shroom and smack user. He wants me to try the stuff, but I'm not sure about it. I want to know the side effects and how long they will last before they wear off, but he won't tell me anything. Seen as how you are the expert that you are, I was thinking that you could tell me.



Dear Marie,

What is your boyfriend asking you to try? Smack or magic mushrooms? They are complete opposites! Smack will depress, sedate and nullify all thought process, not to mention is highly addictive, whereas, magic mushrooms will stimulate, enlighten and induce euphoric thought process and visuals.


Dr Hemp.

Dear Dr Hemp,Dumb question

Are you still giving advice about cannabis?



Dear James,



Dr Hemp.

Dear Dr Hemp,

I have just washed all my weed in the washing machine. I rinsed it off and am drying it. It's all still in big buds. It will be ok won't it?



Dear Joshua,

I've done that before and I'm sorry to inform you it will not be all right. Sell it to someone you don't like and buy some more for you to smoke.


Dr Hemp.

Dear Dr Hemp,

I recently sent a letter and I would like it if you didn't publish my email if it gets published.


Smokey McPot.

Dear Smokey McPot,

Don't worry; we're not going to publish your previous letter, because it contained material too controversial for this web site.

You can now sleep at night, rest assured that nobody knows about your secret grow room.


Dr Hemp.

Dear Dr Hemp,

My problem is amongst many others a frequent one. I live on a beautiful island called Mauritius situated to the east of South Africa in the Indian Ocean (just to let you know about the place) coz it's really a paradise on earth here, if you can get me!

The real problem here is that the country's law is very strict about marijuana and although we do get the world's best stuff here it's getting rarer and rarer.

What I would like you to tell me is how to grow marijuana without catching anyone's eye, may it be from the air, ground, or smell, etc., I have tried (obviously!) many times but the plant always died when it was small, so please could you help me?

Thanks in Advance!

To all hemp smoker's,


Dear Fardeen,

Thank you for your email, I'm over the moon to receive a letter from tropical paradise of Mauritius.

Well, laws are made to be broken, and don't you think it's about time you staged a coup led by cannabis crazed revolutionaries?

Once you have overthrown the cannabis hating fascists that govern your country, you can grow thousands of tonnes of finest quality marijuana, as your climate is perfect for this. You can then export this lovely crop to the UK where Blair has recently legalised da ganja; keep a little bit left for yourselves and open up a string of Dutch style coffeeshops, attracting drug tourism from around the world. This will do wonders for the economy of your tiny Indian Ocean paradise.


Dr Hemp.

Dear Dr Hemp,

I was just sitting here thinking if I were to put cough syrup into a bong instead of water or just mix it in with bong water and smoke some dank out of the bong, would I achieve a much higher high? Or is this really a stupid question, because I was thinking that maybe all the DXM in the cough syrup could some how be picked up in the THC smoke of the weed and could be smoked?

I haven't tried this yet, but if anyone else does before I do please let me know what the effects were. I am trying to achieve this hallucinating effect, i.e., the 4th plateau!



Dear Derek,

Jacob the blues doctor has a recipe for Benelyn, brandy and blueys (Valium), which will make you feel worse than the cheapest and nastiest scag Liverpool or Torquay has to offer.

Cannabis is a natural herb that induces that stoned feeling, whereas, chemical drugs, prescribed or non-prescribed, are a recipe for a zombie mind.

If you want to experiment with bong fillers, try cheap vodka or brandy or even fruit juice; read some past questions for more scientific factual information on bong fillers.


Dr Hemp.

Dear Dr Hemp,

I will soon be visiting a theme park and I had the idea of being stoned on the roller coasters. Now that the idea of being high on the ride has become close to me, I feel it's not worth going unless I get stoned.

However, smoking in a family theme park could be risky so I intend to make some space cakes. I have the recipe for them handy, but I would like to know if cooking hash brownies will make my house smell, as this would be a huge problem as I still live with tight parents. I'd appreciate your help.



Dear Roberto,

Walt Disney would approve, as he visited the famous Mazatec curandera, Maria Sabina, who introduced him to magic mushrooms. The cartoon Fantazia was produced after his visit to psychedelic Mexico.

I reckon the thrill rides will be even more thrilling under the influence of marijuana; or even better if you can lay your hands on some magic mushrooms or LSD. You may well end up having a whitey and puking on your fellow passengers, but this is all part of the fun!

If you use solids for your hash brownies, then I doubt it will make much of an odour.


Dr Hemp.

Dear Dr Hemp,

I'm planning a trip in early September to the Burning Man festival in northern Nevada. I will be driving a vehicle towing a camper. I understand that the law is setting up roadside random vehicle drug searches with drug sniffing dogs. How can I hide and conceal pot from the dogs?



Dear Brian,

My brother has visited the Burning Man festival in Nevada and he did get hassle from the American police on the way. As always, the best way to conceal cannabis is to keep it in air tight containers and use traditional canine deterrents, such as pepper, citrus, aniseed, etc.,. Coffee jars are useful, as coffee is also a useful canine deterrent.

Good luck, we hope to start our own Burning Man festival in the South West of England in the near future. We envisage an effigy of a corporate giant with all the logos of the most unfavourable and world destroying corporations pinned to it, such as McDonalds, ICI, Monsanto, Shell, etc., flaming arrows will be fired into the effigy to ignite the flame of a massive drug induced free party. Watch this space!


Dr Hemp.

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[DISCLAIMER: We are not drug dealers - so please don't ask Dr Hemp to sell you drugs as under present UK law he is unable to do so. Furthermore, all information on this site is intended to be humorous and should not be viewed by anyone under the age of 18.]